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Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2012CB821500) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 21374073 and, 21574096).
We investigate the transport properties and mechanical response of glassy hard disks using nonlinear Langevin equation theory. We derive expressions for the elastic shear modulus and viscosity in two dimensions on the basis of thermal-activated barrier-hopping dynamics and mechanically accelerated motion. Dense hard disks exhibit phenomena such as softening elasticity, shear-thinning of viscosity, and yielding upon deformation, which are qualitatively similar to dense hard-sphere colloidal suspensions in three dimensions. These phenomena can be ascribed to stress-induced “landscape tilting”. Quantitative comparisons of these phenomena between hard disks and hard spheres are presented. Interestingly, we find that the density dependence of yield stress in hard disks is much more significant than in hard spheres. Our work provides a foundation for further generalizing the nonlinear Langevin equation theory to address slow dynamics and rheological behavior in binary or polydisperse mixtures of hard or soft disks.
The viscoelasticity of glass is an intriguing subject in rheology and condensed matter physics, and is of both theoretical and technological importance.[1,2] Developing microscopic predictive theory for macroscopic rheological properties and mechanical responses remains a major challenge. In crystals, rigidity is attributed to the long-range density correlation.[3] In amorphous materials, the glass transition occurs upon cooling (thermal-driven system) or densification (density-driven system), and is accompanied by the emergence or significant rise of shear elasticity.[4] Such shear resistance cannot be interpreted as the consequence of long-range correlation, as glass lacks long-range order. Instead, it is related to the rigidity of the local cage where the motion of a particle is restricted by its neighbors.[5] The rigidity of the cage, or the barrier for a particle to escape the cage, increases upon cooling or densification, leading to larger shear elasticity. Phenomenological and several microscopic theories have been constructed to predict the rheological and mechanical quantities.[6–12] For instance, the phenomenological “soft glass rheology” (SGR) model is a well-known theoretical approach to predict the transport properties of soft amorphous materials. SGR is based on Bouchaud’s trap model, and has been developed to address the impact of strain in mesoscopic elements on the local barrier-hopping process. In the SGR model, the trapped energy is often supposed to have a harmonic form that lacks microscopic interpretation, and hence limits its quantitative and material-specific predictive ability.[6–9] The first-principles microscopic mode-coupling theory (MCT) and dynamic mean field p-spin glass models have been extended to address the shear acceleration of glassy dynamics by de-correlating the memory function that dictates the cage constraint.[10–12] However, the activated hopping process, which dominates the structural relaxation in the deeply supercooled regime, is missing in these theories.
Recently, considerable attention has been paid to two-dimensional (2D) colloidal glass. The 2D colloidal assembly can be realized experimentally by, for example, confining colloidal particles at the water–air interface.[13–16] An approach based on the positional data of 2D colloids recorded by video microscope and simulations of hard disks has been developed to determine the shear modulus and elastic dispersion relations for 2D colloidal glass.[16] The glass transition and elasticity of hard disks has also been studied by MCT.[17] The localization lengths at the transition are similar in 2D and 3D colloids, correlating to the Lindemann melting criterion. Fuchs and coworkers have studied the elasticity of binary mixed 2D hard disks, and found that mixing different components causes the softening of the elastic modulus.[18,19]
Based on structural information about the materials, the microscopic nonlinear Langevin equation (NLE) theory for supercooled liquid and glass can capture the physics of local caging and activated barrier-hopping dynamics.[20–25] The NLE theory has already been successfully applied to the slow dynamics and mechanical response of hard-sphere colloidal glass and polymer glasses.[5,20,26–29] In previous work, we extended NLE theory to quiescent 2D hard disks.[30] Here, we further extend the theory to address the transport properties and mechanical response of glassy hard disks. On the basis of the Green–Kubo linear response theory[31] and the modified binary collision mean field (BCMF) theory,[32,33] the elastic shear modulus and viscosity can be formulated in terms of the static structure, dynamic localization length, and hopping time. The external load affects the viscoelastic properties by effectively altering the dynamic localization length and barrier, i.e., distorting the dynamic free energy or “the dynamic free e”. Quantitative comparisons of the dynamic characteristic length scales, barrier, transport coefficients, and relevant mechanical control variable relations between 2D and 3D colloidal suspensions are presented. The data for 3D hard-sphere colloids are taken from or obtained following the approach of Schweizer.[28]
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we recall the basics of NLE theory for hard disks and introduce its generalization to include mechanical deformation. Section 3 describes the elastic shear modulus, viscosity, and alteration of the profile of dynamical free energy under mechanical deformation and the stress–strain relation. We conclude in Section 4.
NLE theory describes the localized–delocalized motion of a “tagged” particle through the stochastic equation for the scalar displacement r(t) of the particle[30]
The elastic shear modulus for hard disks follows the standard Green–Kubo formula[19]

When a load is applied, strain softening of the modulus and shear thinning of the viscosity occur. Microscopically, in the spirit of the trap model, the stress deforms the local cage, and the motion of particles is accelerated directionally to release this deformation. Based on such a physical picture, the accelerated hopping dynamics of particles are mimicked in a modified dynamic free energy by introducing a type of mechanical work contribution, F(r) = F(r;τ = 0)−fmicror.[27] This idea is analogous to the Eyring model[38] in which, however, the work-like term is added directly to the barrier.[24] The quantitative connection between macroscopic stress τ and microscopic force fmicro is not straightforward. In the spirit of an “isotropically sheared hard sphere model”,[12] it can be assumed that the external shear stress propagates into the interior of the material and is distributed uniformly across the particles, i.e., the microscopic force equals the macroscopic stress acting on a unit cross-section of the particle.[27] In 2D, we have fmicro = τmacro 〈A〉/ϕ1/2. The cross-sectional area can be approximated as 〈A〉 = ϕ1/2σ/ρ1/2, and hence the microscopic force fmicro = λτ/ϕ 1/2. We set the uncertain parameter λ = 1 for simplicity. The expression for the dynamic free energy under shear stress τ is then
To investigate the distortion of the dynamic free energy under different mechanical variables, we introduce the simplified nonlinear stress–strain relation γ = τ/G(τ), where γ is the dimensionless strain and G(τ) can be computed from Eq. (
![]() | Fig. 1. Dynamic free energy as a function of scalar displacement r at volume fraction ϕ = 0.709 for three typical shear stresses. The three characteristic lengths are marked in the inset. |
The stress–strain relation is shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 5. (a) Stress–strain relation for packing fractions of f = 0.844, 0.869 and 0.889. (b) Dynamic yield stress as a function of packing fraction for relaxation times of τα/τ0 = 10 and τα/τ0 = 100. |
In the strain-rate-control deformation, the glass is under plastic flow, which follows the relation
The nonlinear Langevin equation theory has been extended to study the transport properties and mechanical response of 2D hard disks via the Green–Kubo formula and modified BCMF theory. Expressions for the elastic shear modulus and viscosity of hard disks were derived based on the physical picture of the thermal-activated barrier-hopping dynamics and the mechanically accelerated motion. The dynamic free energy profile is distorted under deformation. The barrier is reduced, and the positions and curvatures of the local well and the barrier shift.
On the basis of the distortion of dynamic free energy, we predict the softening of elasticity and the reduction of shear viscosity under deformation. These phenomena are qualitatively the same as 3D hard spheres. The difference is in the density dependence of viscosity or the product of elastic modulus and relaxation time. Quantitative differences are manifested by comparisons between 2D and 3D colloids based on the same reduced packing fraction. For example, the dynamic yield stress in 2D grows much more rapidly with respect to the packing fraction than in 3D; the flow stress of 2D colloids is smaller (larger) than that of 3D colloids at low (high) density.
In this article, our theory was applied to a spatially homogeneous system in which the mechanical deformation was assumed to be scalar. A static structure factor was supposed to be close to thermal equilibrium because of the slow loading of external force. This work provides a foundation for further generalization of the nonlinear Langevin equation theory to study slow dynamics and rheological behavior in binary or polydisperse mixtures of hard or soft disks and to address the thin film or finite confinement problem.
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